Come worship with us
May you be encouraged to come follow Christ with us as we anticipate the future together
We, the Simpson Street Church of Christ, share life with a larger body of Churches of Christ through faith, practice and fellowship who seek identity through the scriptures with the New Testament church founded in Jerusalem on Pentecost A D 33.
We are committed to identifying with the New Testament church through study of the scriptures which we believe to be the inspired and authoritative word of God. We believe Jesus is the expected Christ of the scriptures and believe He was born of the virgin Mary, was crucified under Pontius Pilate, that He was raised from the dead by God on the third day following his burial and that He ascended into heaven and is seated on the right hand of God.
We believe in the ONE universal church under God for all humanity and in the proclamation of the one gospel to all the world. We understand that through faith in and obedience to the gospel message, repentance of life, confession of Christ as Lord and baptism by immersion into Christ for the remission of sins one is born again, and becomes a member of the New Testament church.
By faith in Christ members of the Simpson Street Church of Christ meet every Sunday for worship consisting of singing, preaching, praying, communing, giving in support of the church and study of the word.
The Simpson Street Church of Christ welcomes you to share and to participate in its spiritually rich and fulfilling experience of worshipping and serving God with the Atlanta’s historical, landmark, downtown, first African American congregation of the Churches of Christ. It invites you to reap the benefits of a spiritually enriched atmosphere of worship supported by rich singing and fellowship, coupled with strong biblical and situationally relevant messages that are on the cutting edge of life which emanates from the word of God and the life of the church, as God’s “called out,” seeks the redemption of souls and the enhancement of God’s community through preaching and teaching anchored in Christ and scriptures and living obedience to the word while being influenced by the transcendence of God’s will over human tradition.